The Diploma in Civil Engineering program offered by the Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB) is a three-year technical diploma program that trains students in various aspects of civil engineering. The program covers a wide range of topics such as construction materials, surveying, building construction, transportation engineering, and structural engineering.
Diploma in Civil Engineering
Upon completion of the program, graduates are expected to have a good understanding of the fundamental concepts and principles of civil engineering and be able to apply them to real-world problems. Graduates can find employment in a variety of fields related to civil engineering, including construction companies, architectural firms, and government agencies.
To be eligible for admission to the Diploma in Civil Engineering program offered by BTEB, candidates must have completed secondary education and obtained a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.50 on a scale of 4.00. Candidates may also be required to pass an entrance exam and/or interview as part of the admission process.
Job fields in civil engineering
- Transportation Planning
- Transportation Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Structural Engineering
- Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering
- Geographical Information System (GIS)
Job placement sector
Government Sector
- Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
- Local Government Rural Department (LGRD)
- Local Government Division (LGD)
- Bangladesh Institute of Research and Training on Applied Nutrition (BIRTAN)
- Education Engineering Department (EED)
- Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (RAJUK)
- Bangladesh Bridge Authority (BBA)
- Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA)
- Bangladesh Railway
- Health Engineering Department (HED)
- Roads and Highway Department (RHD)
- Public Works Department (PWD)
- Power Grid Company of Bangladesh (PGCB)
- Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)
- Bangladesh power Development Board (BPDB)
- Bangladesh power Distribution Company (BPDC)
- Abdul Monem Ltd
- Building Technology and Ideas Ltd BTI
- Anwar Landmark
- Sheltech
- Shanta Holdings Ltd
- Rangs Properties Ltd
Admission Eligibility:
- Minimum SSC/ Equivalent Passed.
- Minimum GPA 2.00 & 40% marks on General Math
- No restriction for the age and the SSC passing year
Opportunity of Higher Education:
After complete Diploma in Civil Engineering they are having scope to complete their B.Sc. & M.Sc. in Civil Engineering from DUET,IEB and many private universities in Bangladesh. Students also getting their B.Sc. , M.Sc. and PhD degree from abroad.
The syllabus of Diploma in Civil Engineering of Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB) consists of both theoretical and practical components. The program aims to provide students with knowledge and skills in the field of civil engineering so that they can work in various industries, government organizations, and construction companies. The duration of the program is four years, and it is divided into eight semesters.
Here is an overview of the syllabus of the Diploma in Civil Engineering program of BTEB:
First Semester:
- Engineering Drawing (61011)
- Bangla (65711)
- English (65712)
- Mathematics‐1 (65911)
- Physics‐1 (65912)
- Electrical Engineering Fundamentals (66712)
- Workshop Practice (67012)
Second Semester:
- Civil Engineering Materials (66421)
- Communicative English (65722)
- Mathematics-2 (65921)
- Physics-2 (65922)
- Computer Application (66611)
- Electronic Engineering Fundamentals (66822)
- Physical Education and life Skill Development (65812)
Third Semester:
- Civil Engineering Drawing
- Surveying-1
- Engineering Materials
- Building Construction
Fourth Semester:
- Surveying-2
- Mechanics of Structure-1
- Environmental Engineering-1
- Mathematics-3
Fifth Semester:
- Mechanics of Structure-2
- Fluid Mechanics
- Construction Materials
- Engineering Geology
Sixth Semester:
- Design of Reinforced Concrete Structure-1
- Transportation Engineering-1
- Estimating, Costing, and Valuation
- Strength of Materials
Seventh Semester:
- Design of Reinforced Concrete Structure-2
- Transportation Engineering-2
- Environmental Engineering-2
- Project Work
Eighth Semester:
- Structural Analysis-1
- Structural Analysis-2
- Foundation Engineering
- Elective subject
The elective subjects in the eighth semester include:
- Bridge Engineering
- Highway Maintenance and Management
- Urban Planning and Design
- Construction Management
- Water Resources Engineering
- Architecture
In addition to these courses, students are also required to complete industrial training and submit a report on their training experience. The program includes both theoretical and practical assessments, and students must pass both to graduate.